Content Change Alerts

Content Change Alerts


The Content Change Alerts is a part of the Brand Content Monitoring submodule within the Digital Shelf Monitoring main module. This screen monitors and reports changes made to product pages on Amazon, like titles, descriptions, bullet points, images & videos etc.  
Users can view detailed analytics and trends related to the content changes and keep the content standards consistent which helps in better user experience. 

How to View Content Change Alerts?

  1. Navigate to the Digital Shelf Monitoring > Brand Content Monitoring > Content Change Alerts.
  2. Select the required platform from the global switcher, which is set to Amazon by default.

  3. Select the time range from the date drop-down menu, which is set to 'yesterday' by default.
  4. Click on the filter icon to set parameters for the data you want to view. 
  5. Click on any of the content change cards to update the charts and table below with relevant data. 
  6. Click on the Trusted Source Products widget to view and upload Trusted Source Data. 
  7. View the count of content changes with 7-day trend in the Trend charts. 
  8. View Trend chart on the right based on conformed, non-conformed and previous day status.
  9. Click on the Export icon to export the data in various formats like PNG, GPG, PDF, SVG, CSV and XLXS. 
  10. Click on the Export Report button to export the .pdf of detailed reports. 

Content Change Cards  

The Content Change Alerts screen features five key content change cards that represents a specific content type: 

  1. Title Changes: Changes found in the product title.
  2. Description Changes: Changes found in the product descriptions.
  3. Bullet Point Changes: Changes found in the product's bullet points.
  4. Image & Video Changes: Changes found with addition, removal and missing gallery images, alternate images and alterations in video count.
  5. Variation Changes: Changes found in product ID when product is removed, added or is unauthorized. 
Each card shows the number of changes (count) detected, click on a card to update the data and charts below to reflect changes specific to the selected content type. 

Trusted Source Products

The Trusted Source Products widget displays the number of trusted source products and total products. Trusted source products are those whose information is conformed by the user. For example, if the user provides the description they have posted for a product on Amazon, it is considered a conformed source product.

This widget also includes an option to upload content, allowing you to submit conformed information directly. You can upload conformed content via the Upload Content option in this widget.

There are three upload scenarios to consider here:

Non-Third party integrated users:
  1. Click on Upload Content in the Trusted Source Products widget, this takes you to content tab in product center.
  2. Download the required template:

    Platform latest data: is the latest scraped content data of the products, it is also the recent available data from the past scrapings if latest scraped data is unavailable. 
    Platform latest and locked data: is the latest available locked content data.
  3. Conform the changes and upload it back to the PC.
    The order of data addition is first from locked data and then from the latest available data. 
Blank template users:
  1. Click on upload content in the Trusted Source Products widget, this takes you to content tab in product center.
  2. Download the blank template.

  3. Fill in the details.
  4. Upload it to the product center by clicking upload button.
Third party integrated users: 
We now allow access to content change data directly from external sources without any manual intervention. This eliminates the need for manual uploads and data locking, significantly streamlining your workflow.
We currently integrate with DigiShare and are extending our capabilities to include Salsify, Syndigo, and other platforms you may choose. To get started with these integrations, simply request a setup process from our support team at

How to set and update content changes?

  1. Navigate to Product Center > content.
  2. Click on the grid icon to open product details.

  3. If the Trusted Source Available is 'No,' you can verify the product details and approve it by clicking on 'Set Trusted Content'.

  4. If the Trusted Source Available is 'Yes', click on Show Latest Content to load the pop-up with latest content data. 

  5. If you do not wish to approve the latest loaded data, click on Cancel Trusted Content.

Charts and Graphs 

Content Changes by Category/Brand   

You can view this chart by either category or brand: 
  1. View by Category: Displays bars for a named category with the number of content changes found in that specific category. 
  2. View by Brand: Displays bars for a named brand with the number of content changes found in that specific brand. 

1. Click on the switch button to select either category or brand.
2. Hover over the bar to get detailed information about the number of changes. 

Daily Trend Chart 
The Daily Trend Chart shows content changes for the selected period and is updated daily.  
By default, the chart shows 7-days of data trend. 
1. Click on the switch button to select view by option.  
View the chart by following switches: 
  1. All: Merges the conformed, non-conformed and previous day’s data to give you an aggregated view. 
  2. Conforming: Shown in green to indicate that we have received the conformed data.
  3. Non-Conforming: Shown in red to indicate that no data is being conformed by the user.
  4. Previous Day: Shown in yellow to indicate that we have used previous day’s data in the chart. 

2. Hover over the bar to get detailed information about the number of changes. 
3. Export the trend chart in various formats such as PNG, PDF, XLSX, JPG, SVG, and CSV by clicking on the hamburger menu. 

View Details Table 

In the View Details section, the content change details are displayed in a tabular format at ASIN level. The table includes columns such as product details, reporting date and time,
Trusted source status, and more. You can customize these columns to display the information you need. 

How to View ASIN Pop-Up in Content Change Alerts 

Content Change History

1. Navigate to Digital Shelf Monitoring > Brand Content Monitoring > Content Change Alerts. 
2. Scroll down to the View Details table. 
Here the columns are named after the product attributes. 

3. In the "Content Changes" column, you will see the type of content changes (e.g., title, description, images etc.) highlighted in red, yellow, or green. These colors indicate whether the change is non-conforming (red), lacks a trusted source (yellow), or is conforming (green).

    • A yellow content change type: Indicates that the latest content change data doesn't match the previous scape content data. 
    • A red content change type: Indicates that the latest content change data doesn't match the trusted source products content data.
    • A green content change type: Indicates that the latest content change data matches with the trusted source products content data. 
IdeaClick on the desired content change type in content changes column to view details related to that specific content change type. This will automatically apply filters in the product details pop-up and shows you quick results. 

3. Content changes in the View Details table: 
  • Trusted Source Available: Represents the availability of trusted source data from the user.
  • Product Title: Represents if the heading of the product, on product display page (PDP) on amazon is conformed, non-conformed or have taken from previous scrape.
  • Reporting Date & Time: Displays the exact date and time when the data was last updated.
  • Content Changes: Indicates the specific types of changes made to the product's content, such as title, description, or images. These changes are marked as either conforming, non-conforming, or no trusted source.
  • Customer Rating: Represents the overall rating of the product based on customer feedback on marketplace, usually out of 5 stars.
  • Coupon Available: Indicates whether there is an active coupon available for the product.
  • Coupon amount: Specifies the value (in dollar or percentage) of the coupon that can be applied to the product.
  • Discount %: Shows the percentage of the discount currently offered on the product.
  • Deal Available: Displays whether there is a special deal or promotion on the product.
  • Buy Box Price: This column gives the price of product in the buy box.
  • Buy Box Winner: The name of the seller who won the buy box.
  • Review Count: The total number of reviews received by the product.
  • Inventory (PDP): The current stock level of the product as shown on the product detail page.
  • Category: The category of the product.
  • Brand: Name of the brand under which the product falls.
  • Product Tags: Product lifecycle status such as new, active, end of life, next gen, out of print, unavailable, or discontinued.
  • Parent product ID: The identifier for the parent product in a group of variations.
  • Reporting Range: The period over which data is reported. Its daily and weekly.
  • Top 50: Indicates weather or not the product is among the top 50 in its category. 
  • Model Number: Gives the unique identifier number for the product model.
  • UPC: Universal Product Code used to identify the product.
  • Replenishment status: Gives you product availability status. The Replenishment status directly impacts the product visibility on amazon and thus effects its sales.
    Replenishment status can have values like:
    NP (New Product),
    PR (Planned Replenishment),
    BR (Basic Replenishment),
    OS (over short),
    NR (non-Replenishable) &
    OB (Obsolete Replenishment) 
The fields in the View Details table can be blank in case there is no change from yesterday and today for the products which do not have the trusted source.

Latest Scan Per Day
Latest scan is available in view details table as well as in the product details pop-up. The Latest Scan Per Day toggle refines the data in the View Details table by focusing on the most recent data collection within the selected date range.

Example: If the product data is scraped 5 times a day over a 7-day period, the View Details table and the product details pop-up displays all the changes across those 35 data points (5 scrapes per day for 7 days). However, when you toggle on the Latest Scan feature, the table loads only the most recent scrape for each day. In this case, the table shows the latest 7 changes, one per day.

3. Click on the Latest Scan Per Day toggle to control how the data is displayed:
  1. If you select the calendar first and leave the Latest Scan toggle off, it shows the latest scrape data (updated hourly) for the selected dates.
  2. If the Latest Scan toggle is already on and you choose a different date range, it shows the latest data for the new time range.

For clients with single scrape, the toggle button will not be visible.

4. Click on the grid icon with four squares in the View Details column. 
  1. The Product Details pop-up window will display detailed information about the product, including its lock status, fundamental details, and content change specifics.  
  2. Trusted Source Available: Indicates whether the trusted source data has been received (yes) or not (no).
  3. The Trusted Source Content is the authoritative and unchanged version of the content that the user has specified for display on product display page on amazon. The trusted source content is conformed and locked by the user.
  4. Product Image and Fundamental Details: Includes short name, marketplace, product code, etc. 

5. Toggle on Latest scan to load the latest content changes.
6. Click on the Filter icon to filter the data for your required parameters or use preset filters.  
  1. Content change status and content change type are the two quick filters/presets present on the screen that can be used when required.
  2. NotesThe image filter aggregates the primary image, alternate images, video thumbnails, and A+ content. When image changes are displayed in the table, only added, removed, or altered images are shown. Unchanged images are not displayed.

7. Use the Date drop down option to select the time range. You can also select a custom date.

6. Content Change tab shows the content table with following columns: 
  1. Content change type: It can be Title change, Image change, Browse note etc.
  2. Content change date and time: The time of content change.
  3. Alerts: A quick description of found changes.
  4. Trusted source/previous day content: Detailed description of the trusted source content or previous day content.
  5. Latest content: Latest drawn content.
  6. Content change status: Whether conforming, non-conforming or previous day. 

7. Click on Column dropdown to select/deselect display columns. 
8. Click on the download icon to download detailed content change report. 
9. Trusted Source Content: The Trusted Source Content is the authoritative and unchanged version of the content that the user has specified for display on product display page on amazon. The trusted source content is conformed and locked by the user.  

This tab shows the details of trusted source content such as: 
  1. General Information: Includes details of product title, product description, bullet points and browse note.
  2. Images: Includes details of gallery image and alternate images.
  3. Videos: Includes details of video counts.
  4. Other information: Includes details such as product dimensions like length, breadth and weight. 
In the absence of trusted content, we shall take latest available content. 
10. Click on the cross mark to close this pop-up window. 

Product Compliance Snapshot

1. Click on the Product Compliance Snapshot tab.
2. This tab works like the Content Change History and shows the count of content statuses in the respective Content Change Type column.

The Product Compliance screen previously showed only the latest compliance data based on the most recent scrape, but it will now display compliance data according to the selected date range.

3. The compliance data is displayed according to the selected date range:
  • Single Scrape Per Day: For the selected date range the screen will show one compliance record per day, reflecting the compliance status at each daily scrape.
  • Multiple Scrapes Per Day: For the selected date range the user will see multiple records per day.
    Example: for a 7-day range with 3 scrapes/day, there will be 21 records.

4. In the default screen you will see View Details. Product Details, Reporting Date & Time, Trusted Source Available and the content changes columns like Title, Description, Bullet Point, Primary Image, Alternate Image, Video Thumbnail, Video Count, A Plus & Browse Node.

5. To customize the display, click on the Column dropdown to select the attributes you want to see on the main table screen.
6. The number displayed in the content change columns reflects number of days a product has been in either a conforming, non-conforming, or no trusted source state. The state is indicated by a corresponding color code.

Status Count Calculation

Case 1: Single scrape per day

  1. If the product content status matches the previous scan or the trusted source, the count starts at 0 and increases daily as long as the status remains the same.
  2. When a status change (mismatch) occurs, the count resets to 0.

Case 2: Multiple scrapes per day

  1. If the product content status matches the previous scan or trusted source, the count starts at 0.
  2. The count does not increase for the day if the subsequent scans also match the content status.
  3. The count increases the next day, provided the content status remains unchanged.
  4. If the content status changes during any scan, the count resets to 0.
7Click on Latest Scan to view the compliance status for the most recent scrape of the day for the selected date range. This is set to show all records by default.

8. Click on the quick filters to filter the data for frequent use:
  • Content Change Type filters products by content change type (e.g., title, description, bullet points).
  • Content Change Status filters products by the content change status (e.g., Conforming, Non-Conforming, No Trusted Source).


Downloads are available across the entire sales insights screen. Click on the download button to initiate the download of reports. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I confirm product content?   
Use the Trusted Source Products widget to upload confirmed content directly from your records. 

What does the Product Lock Status indicate?   
The Product Lock Status indicates whether the content has been confirmed (closed) or not (open). 

How can I filter data for a specific period?   
Use the filter icon to set custom date ranges or select from pre-defined options like weekly, monthly, or daily. 

Can I customize the columns in the View Details table?   
Yes, you can customize the columns by selecting or deselecting the ones you wish to view. 

How do I export the data?   
Click on the export icon available in the charts or tables and choose the desired format. 

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