The Brand Protector Benefits module is activated as part of the
i2o Brand Protection Solution and used for
monitoring reseller enforcement actions. Metrics such as Lost Sales, Won Buy Box, and i2o Reseller Enforcement KPIs are visible in the Brand Protector
Benefits module.
How To View Brand Protector Benefits
- Navigate to Brand Protector > Benefits.
- Select the required platform from the global switcher, which is set to Amazon by default.
- Use
the Date drop down option to select the time range and reporting duration as
either weekly or monthly. You may select the filter Start Date With i2o to
initiate the dataset from the date of onboarding.
- Share the data using the Share
option on the right corner of the charts.
Lost Sales Data
Lost Sales is computed by i2o to estimate the amount of
revenue generated by third party resellers who have stolen the Buy Box from
authorized parties. Brands can view various Lost Sales metrics which indicate the status of their products that may be threatened by third party resellers.
Lost Sales data is displayed in a variety of screens and metrics: - Graph of Lost Sales Trend
- Lost Sales by Resellers
- Reseller name
- Lost Sales Trend
- Listed Products
- Lost Sales
- Lost Units
- Fulfillment Type
- Enforcement Status
- Total Reseller Inventory
- Lost Sales by Products
- Lost Sales Trend
- Count of Resellers
- Lost Sales
- Lost Units
- Total Reseller Inventory
Click here for
the detailed explanation of how the i2o Lost Sales Data is computed.
How To View & Download Lost Sales Data
- Navigate
to Brand Protector > Benefits.
- Select
from the desired filters available in the top left corner.
- Click
on the box labeled Lost Sales. The Lost Sales Trend will populate in the
chart for the products in your filter selection.
- You may download the Lost
Sales Trend.
In the top right corner, click on the icon
with three stacked lines. You may export the graph in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, CSV, or
XLS file formats. - Scroll
down to view the Lost Sales table sorted by (2) options:
- View By Resellers: In
the table below the Lost Sales Trend, click “View by: Resellers”.
- View By Products: In
the table below the Lost Sales Trend, click “View by: Products”.
- To
download Lost Sales data in XLS format, scroll down to the table and select
from the (2) options:
- View By Resellers: Click the download icon in the top right corner.
- View By
Products: Click the download icon in the top
right corner.
The Reseller Spotlight
Reseller Spotlight is a feature in the Brand Protector Benefits module. It allows
brands to explore detailed information about third party resellers. Brands can
retrieve current KPIs and details such as reseller business name, storefront name changes, and enforcement timeline.
- Seller Name
- Platform
- Business Name
- Enforcement
- Region
- Business
- Storefront
name changes
Reseller Enforcement KPIs
- Lost Sales
- Reseller Inventory
- MAP Violations
- Quantity of
Products with WBB%
- Closed Listings
- Active Listings
- Table of Your
Products Offered by this Reseller
- Reseller Enforcement Timeline Statuses:
- New Seller
- Notified
- Review
- Unauthorized
How To View & Download Reseller Pop-Up
- Navigate
to Brand Protector > Benefits.
- Select
from the desired filters available in the top left corner.
- Click
on the box labeled Lost Sales.
- Scroll
down to table below the Lost Sales Trend, and make sure View by: Resellers is
- Click on the name of any reseller in the Reseller
column to open the Reseller Spotlight with (2) tabs:
- Reseller Profile
- Enforcement KPIs
- You may download the data in the Enforcement
KPIs tab by selecting from the following boxes:
- Lost Sales
- Reseller Inventory
- MAP Violations
- Products (where the reseller won the BBx)
- Closed Listings
- Active Listings
- You may export the trend graph that populates beneath
your selection. In the top right corner, click on the icon with three stacked
lines. You may export the graph in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, CSV, or XLS file formats.
- You may download the data in the table below
the trend graph. Scroll down and right click in the table to open the menu.
Click Download Current Data (Excel).
Buy Box Metrics
Buy Box Metrics are vital to measure a brand’s ability to control distribution once consumers
decide to purchase their products. It helps measure whether a brand is
minimizing the impact of third party resellers present in many open, online
marketplaces. Buy Box data is displayed in a variety of screens:
- Won Buy Box Trend Graph
- Won Buy Box by Products
In the Buy Box Metrics table, the following are visible on a product level:
- Buy Box Win %
- Reseller With
Maximum Wins
- Average Buy
Box Price
This is especially useful for Amazon 1P brands who no longer have access to Buy Box Metrics in Vendor Central. Buy Box Metrics are extracted from various sources depending on the type of Amazon access granted to
i2o by brands at onboarding.
How To View & Download Buy Box Metrics
- Navigate to Brand Protector > Benefits.
- Select from the desired filters available in the top left corner.
- Click on the box labeled Won Buy Box. The Buy Box Trend will populate in the chart below for the in your filter selection.
- You may download the Buy Box Trend.
- In the top right corner, click on the icon with three stacked lines.
- You may export the graph in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, CSV, or XLS file formats.
- Scroll down to view Buy Box Metrics by products in the table below the Buy Box Trend.
- You may download Buy Box data in XLS format.
- Click the download icon in the top right corner.
Source For 3P Brands With i2o Access To Seller
Under this scenario,
we compute the Won Buy Box Percentage (WBB%) using the Featured Offer
Percentage from Seller Central. To roll up the WBB% at
a higher aggregate level, we need to weigh the WBB% using Page Views. For all
products selected in the filter at the top of the screen, the i2o WBB% is
computed using the following formula:
Aggregate WBB% = Sum(Page
Views × WBB%) ÷ Sum(Page Views)
Source For 1P & 3P Brands With i2o Access
To Vendor Central & Seller Central
Under this scenario,
we compute the WBB % using the Observed Buy Box Percentage (OBB%) derived by
i2o using daily observed data from the relevant marketplace (e.g. To roll up the WBB% at
a higher aggregate level, we weigh the OBB% with Glance Views for 1P brands and
Page Views for 3P brands. For all 1P products selected in the filter at the top
of the screen, the i2o WBB% is computed using the following formula:
WBB% = Sum(Glance Views
× OBB%) ÷ Sum(Glance Views)
Source For Brands Without i2o Access To Vendor
Central & Seller Central
Under this scenario,
we compute the WBB% using the metric OBB derived by i2o using daily observed
data from the relevant marketplace (e.g. To roll up the WBB% at
a higher aggregate level, we take a simple average of the OBB% at a product
level. For all products selected in the filter at the top of the screen, the
i2o WBB% is computed using the following formula:
WBB% = Average(OBB%)
Reseller Enforcement
The Brand Protector Benefits module allows
brands quick views of progress for i2o actions taken on Reseller Enforcement. The Reseller Enforcement box on the Brand Protector Benefits Home Screen allows users to customize their view of KPIs and
make (4) selections from (6) available metrics, specifically:
- Average Sale Price: Average selling price across all selected i2o-activated products on the marketplace during the specified time period.
- MAP Violations: Unique listings recording MAP violations during the specified time period.
- Closed Listings: Listings successfully removed and now inactive on the marketplace, including any relisted duplicate listings for the specified time period.
- Reseller Inventory: Last recorded inventory within the selected period categorized by both FBA and FBM resellers.
- Notified Resellers: Resellers who received either their initial or second verification request from i2o within the specified time period.
- Active Listings: Total active listings recorded on the last day of the selected time period.
How To View & Download Reseller Enforcement KPIs
- Navigate
to Brand Protector > Benefits.
- On
the right side of the screen, move the cursor to the table labeled Reseller Enforcement.
- In
the top right corner of the table, click Select KPIs 4/6.
- Select
up to four KPIs from the six available options in the list.
- Click
out of the dropdown to display your selected KPIs in the trend graph.
- Click on any of the four KPI types displayed to update the trend graph below.
- You may download
the graphs. In the top
right corner, click on the icon with three stacked lines. You may export the graph
in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, CSV, or XLS file formats.