The Lost Sales Report

The Lost Sales Report

The Lost Sales Report is activated as part of the i2o Brand Protector subscription and accessible through the i2o application. The Lost Sales Report is used to quantify the estimated revenue lost due to the diversion of sales to unauthorized 3rd party resellers. In turn, brands can review the benefits received after they pursue reseller enforcement via i2o Brand Protector.

How To View & Download Lost Sales Data

  1. Navigate to Brand Protector > Benefits
  2. Select the required platform from the global switcher, which is set to Amazon by default.

  3. Select from the desired filters available in the top left corner.
  4. Click on the box labeled Lost Sales. The Lost Sales Trend will populate in the chart for the products in your filter selection.
    1. You may download the Lost Sales Trend.
    2. In the top right corner, click on the icon with three stacked lines.
    3. You may export the graph in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, CSV, or XLS file formats.
  5. Scroll down to view the Lost Sales table sorted by (2) options:
    1. View By Resellers: In the table below the Lost Sales Trend, click “View by: Resellers”.
    2. View By Products: In the table below the Lost Sales Trend, click “View by: Products”.
  6. To download Lost Sales data in XLS format, scroll down to the table and select from the (2) options:
    1. View By Resellers: Click the download icon in the top right corner.
    2. View By Products: Click the download icon in the top right corner.

Input Data Requirements

The following data inputs are used to compute the calculations contained within the Lost Sales Report.

Required Inputs
  1. Source: Brand
    1. All ASINs activated for i2o Brand Protection.
  2. Source:
    1. Daily reseller offers for i2o activated ASINs.
    2. Weekly sales data from SC/VC (if access granted).
    3. Reseller Buy Box percentage.
    4. Daily inventory levels for FBA sellers.
    5. i2o calculated daily inventory changes for all sellers who won the Buy Box for selected products during the specified period.
There are (3) scenarios determine the approach for computing the i2o Lost Sales Report:
  1. Brand has provided i2o with Vendor Central access at onboarding
  2. Brand has provided i2o with Seller Central access at onboarding
  3. Brand has not provided i2o with either 1P or 3P access
The next section explains how the Lost Sales Report data is computed which is dependent upon the type of Amazon access given to i2o by the brand.

Lost Sales Inputs for 1P Brands Granting i2o Access to Vendor Central

The following inputs are used to calculate estimated lost sales due to third party resellers specifically for any brand who has provided i2o with access to Amazon Vendor Central.
  1. Product selection: all activated ASINs as flagged in the i2o Product Center.
  2. Time period: the last week with the period beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
  3. Input metrics:
    1. Source: Vendor Central
      1. Last week sales for each i2o-activated ASIN.
    2. Source:
      1. Daily Buy Box price for each i2o-activated ASIN.
      2. Daily Buy Box percentage per winning seller for each i2o-activated ASIN.
      3. Inventory for each i2o-activated ASIN for all sellers who won the Buy Box during the given period.
Granting i2o access to Vendor Central improves the accuracy of i2o Lost Sales estimates.
Assumptions made by the Lost Sales Report for brands granting i2o with Vendor Central access:
  1. The product rate of sales for a 1P brand is the same as any 3P sellers who may have stolen the Buy Box from
  2. The computation is independent of fulfillment type (FBA vs FBM). 
  3. Inventory levels act as a verification measure for any reseller who won the Buy Box during the period.
  4. Estimated lost sales are capped to not exceed the quantity of available seller inventory tracked during the given period.

Lost Sales Inputs for 3P Brands Granting i2o Access to Seller Central

The following is used to calculate estimated lost sales due to third party resellers for any brand who has provided i2o with access to Amazon Seller Central.
  1. Product selection: all activated ASINs as flagged in the i2o Product Center.
  2. Time period: the last week with the period beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
  3. Input metrics:
    1. Source: Seller Central
      1. Last week sales for each i2o-activated ASIN.
    2. Source:
      1. Daily Buy Box price for each i2o-activated ASIN.
      2. Daily Buy Box percentage per winning seller for each i2o-activated ASIN.
      3. Inventory for each i2o-activated ASIN for all sellers who won the Buy Box during the given period.
Granting i2o access to Seller Central improves the accuracy of i2o Lost Sales estimates.
Assumptions made by the Lost Sales Report for brands granting i2o with Seller Central access
  1. The product rate of sales for a registered 3P brand is the same as any unauthorized third party resellers who may have stolen the Buy Box from authorized parties.
  2. The computation is independent of fulfillment type (FBA vs FBM).
  3. Inventory levels act as a verification measure for any reseller who won the Buy Box during the period.
  4. Estimated lost sales are capped to not exceed the quantity of available seller inventory tracked during the given period.

Lost Sales Inputs for Brands Without i2o Amazon Access

The following is used to calculate estimated lost sales due to third party resellers for any brand who has not provided i2o with access to any Amazon seller portal.
  1. Product selection: all activated ASINs as flagged in the i2o Product Center.
  2. Time period: the last week with the period beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
  3. Input metrics (source:
    1. Daily Buy Box price for each i2o-activated ASIN.
    2. Daily Buy Box percentage per winning seller for each i2o-activated ASIN.
    3. Daily inventory levels for FBA sellers.
    4. I2o-calculated changes in inventory from previous day for all sellers who won the Buy Box for the product selection during the given period.
Without i2o access to Vendor Central or Seller Central, the approach is less accurate because it uses observed marketplace metrics and makes assumptions described below.
Process for estimating lost sales without access to Vendor Central or Seller Central:
  1. The ASIN-level inventory is taken for all i2o-activated products.
  2. Inventory differences from the previous day are computed for all sellers who won the Buy Box.
  3. The BBx% for all i2o-activated ASINs and winning resellers is extracted.
  4. A sell through rate is calculated from all FBA inventory using inventory difference basis for all days in the week and averaged out.
  5. The average sell through rate across verified buy box winning FBA sellers is then assigned to all remaining FBM sellers who also won the buy box at some point. The sell thru rate is dispersed across FBM sellers according to their Buy Box %.
Assumptions made by the Lost Sales Report for brands not granting Vendor Central nor Seller Central access:
  1. The computation for estimated sales is dependent on the inventory differences day over day for the given period.
  2. Estimated sales is dependent upon FBA seller inventory quantities which are more reliable than FBM inventory quantities.
  3. Inventory levels act as a verification measure for any reseller who won the Buy Box during the period. Estimated lost sales are capped to not exceed the quantity of available seller inventory tracked during the given period.

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